Casey Moore is a British-based photographer with a focus on the natural world.
Born in Invercargill, New Zealand, but raised from the age of three in Switzerland and later London, Moore’s work explores narratives tied to the natural world, pattern and connectivity. It is because of this broad cultural perspective that Moore searches for a universal aesthetic.
This narrative is present across all of Moore’s work. Each composition - whether shot in the wilds of New Zealand, the Austrian Alps, or the rolling hills of the UK - is positioned with a careful, and exacting consideration of place. Through his lens, the photographer extracts pinpoint detail to build images bursting with the weight of their parts. Just as eighteenth and nineteenth century painters searched for the sublime, as did so many of the pioneering photographers like Carlton Watkins and Ansel Adams, Moore’s compositions capture the epic enormity of nature with a precision that is almost surreal and in turn, create a sense of the sublime that is unparalleled.
I've always been drawn to looking at the world through a lens. It's like visiting another dimension. I feel that childlike fascination every time I look through my camera. By making my prints by hand as large as possible, I want to reconnect with that child in me that saw wonder everywhere. Quantum physics tells us that at the level of energy everything is connected, and I explore this through my photographs, making a bridge between the empirical and spiritual. Through enlarging and bringing to life the world up close, I can see that everything at one level or another, is linked. - Casey Moore
See Casey’s works for sale below: