Nick Pumphrey is at the moment based in St Ives, Cornwall... this could change at any given moment as he has twitchy feet and love adventures! Next week it could be his van parked up on some cliff in Portugal. Since he was 16 years old and at Art and Photography college his love for the simple act of composing a photograph has stayed very close to his heart. He has been fortunate to work with brands that he's amped on like 'Rhythm', to supply images to the good hearts at 'Take 3 for the Sea' and 'The Seabin Project' for visual awareness on plastic pollution and to float around on a wedding day getting creative angles of a day that means so much to the couple. It has been 22 years since he put a black and white film into his Pentax, it has always been a pursuit of joy, and today it is a job of sorts that offers many different experiences, something that his ever curious soul can identify with.

Check out Nick's works for sale here.