Hinterland II - Maxine Clements

Hinterland II - Maxine Clements


Hinterland II

Artwork: 76x58cm - Framed: 88x70cm

Framing: Box framed, float mounted on white with white glass spacers & 2mm acrylic glassing.

More information on the series from the artist is below…

North Coast Asylum - Cornwall Art Gallery

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“Nature spoke to me in the guise of silence. The quieter I became the more I heard”
Norwegian explorer Erling Kagge

From Maxine:

The paintings hint at something that is beyond what is visible or known.

The hinterland is a place a little bit beyond comprehension it pulls us to transcend our everyday understanding; like dreams.

My drawings and paintings begin with a type of improvisation where one shape spontaneously gives form to the next until a pattern or cycle of emergence is complete.

In this way, the layers of ink communicate with each other much like the discord and harmony at play within our own consciousness.

I try to bring careful attention to the white breathing spaces between each blue shape to balance the active elements with moments of silence.

www.northcoastasylum.com-13.jpg www.northcoastasylum.com-14.jpg

Parallax - Maxine Clements

www.northcoastasylum.com-12.jpg www.northcoastasylum.com-11.jpg

Alba - Maxine Clements

Beyond III - Maxine Clements www.northcoastasylum.com Maxine Clements-8.jpg

Beyond III - Maxine Clements

Hinterland III - Maxine Clements www.northcoastasylum.com - Maxine Clements - Hinterland III-2.jpg

Hinterland III - Maxine Clements

Semblance IX - Maxine Clements

Semblance IX - Maxine Clements
